Series Points

  • ORDL + KWS series points are assigned to racers according to their place at the finish line. (1 point for first, 2 for second, etc.) Racers who do not finish a race, retire, or are disqualified score the number of boats in the race plus one.

    • Except for the KR255: points are only awarded for the completion of this event.

    • One distance events that are longer than 20 miles, ie Paddle the Palisades are only eligible for points in the long distance category.

    • Racers can elect where they want their points awarded for one distance events that are less than 20 miles, ie the Cumberland River Challenge. Points will be awarded according to the place/division they finished in the event regardless of which category they are racing in the overall series.

    • Paddlers racing outside their class, Ie at events where composite craft are not suitable will be awarded series points according to their finishing position in the race.

      • Example Jane usually races a Epic V10 (HPK) in the overall series’ long distance category, but races a V7 (FSK) in a one distance event with a rocky stream. Jane is the second female boat to cross the line in the FSK division, while Dawn in a Stellar S18S( FSK) comes in first place. Jane will receives 2 points towards the overall series’ long distance category in the HPK division.

  • Racers are scored on the same number of races. Since the series takes place over several months and not every racer can attend each race, the scoring threshold is set to 4 races for the 2018 season.

  • Racers who attend fewer than 4 of the races do not “qualify” and are not scored for the season.

  • Racers who attend more than 4 races, have their highest scores thrown out ( at the end of the season) and are only scored on their best races.

  • The racer with the lowest total score wins the series.


Tie Breaker: In the case of a tie, we will use three methods stopping at the method that breaks the tie.

  1. First method will be a head to head comparison of races in which tied competitors raced together in. The racer placing highest in the field receives one (1) tie breaker point. The trailing racer receives zero points. Tie breaker points will then be added together and the racer with the most tie-breaker points breaks the tie and receives the position.

  2. Second method will be usage of head to head results of the final race of the season if both parties are available.

  3. Third method will involve us pulling impacted parties aside and running a complex time performance evaluation that takes into account their performance within their respective races. Performance evaluation will be based on their top 3 performances in relation to winning times in each race. We will drop Morehead Paddlefest from this evaluation as times there were known to not be to the second mark.


Race Distances

  • Long Race: 7.1+ miles

  • Short Race: 4.5 - 7 miles

  • Rec Race: > 4.5 Miles


  • To make a class on race day at least two craft of the same division must registered before race day. Race directors reserve the right to fold divisions as following:

    • 17' + kayak into the HPK Division.

    • 16' & below fold into Sea Kayak Division.

    • Prone folds into SUP Division.