Explore Kentucky Initiative

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Day Two: The Trip To RRG (Half Moon)

Today we left Cumberland Falls State Park Resort and embarked on our journey north to the Red River Gorge National Geological Area.

Before getting too far we hit up a McDonalds and while waiting 20 minutes for our food I called the Forest Services's Gladie Ranger Station to see if Chimney Top Road was open. We found out it would be opening soon so while waiting we headed out to Swift Camp Creek Trail #219 by Rock Bridge where we quickly jumped off into the creek with our waders on and fly rods in hand. We didn't have much luck only seeing a few tiny trout so we decided it was time to find a camp spot and settle down.

We were not the first ones to Half Moon, there was another group from Northern Kentucky University. We all checked out the overlook and then departed after sunset for dinner. Cooking grilled chicken in some cast iron and Chipotle Mac and cheese over the fire has now left us to sit and relax by the fire for the rest of the night.

Our dogs are doing their job well barking at every new comer as the night gets later. Since dark more and more people have been coming and setting up tents giving us the opportunity to share Explore Kentucky with everyone.

Unless the clouds pass by we will be going to bed soon for a day packed full of adventure tomorrow. If you're in the gorge let us know. We would love to meet up and share some hikes together.

If you have Instagram, follow me at @michael_naturalvisions  or use the hashtag #SpringBreakKY2016 to see updates from more updates from our week (as long as we have signal ) and maybe our travels will inspire you to be a Kentucky nomad this next spring break or even this summer.

To get more involved with EKI and join our community: http://www.explorekentucky.us/joinorgive/