Trail Rating: Moderate
Section 1 Big Creek to Yahoo Falls Loop- 4.1 miles
Section 2 Yahoo Falls Loop to Alum Ford- 1.4 miles
Section 3 Alum ford to Yamacraw Day use area.- 6.1 miles
On May 7th we are joining Be in the Water, a grassroots organization that promotes simple living and a balanced life through the outdoors and the Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area to coordinate a cleanup of portions of the Sheltowee Trace National Recreation Trail from Yamacraw Bridge all the way to Big Creek. We are seeking volunteers to assist us and hope that you will share this event with your family and friends! The National Park Service is planning the heavy work of clearing large trees with chainsaws, helping with erosion control, and coordinating the cleanup. We will provide manpower and support for these operations, such as picking up trash and other debris.
We understand that the Blue Heron area was also hit hard by this winter's storms, so we will try to assist in that area as well if we are able to gather enough volunteers.
Thanks for your help!